
Call Us: 0121 233 7455 - Or email: sales@medicaltags.co.uk
Medical I.D Tags For Epilepsy
people with epilepsy find it reassuring and helpful wearing a medical identification pendant which specifies
their epileptic condition, partly because if you have an epileptic fit you don’t necessarily have to be taken to hospital, especially if the seizure lasts no longer
than 5 minutes. By wearing your epileptic medical tag,and alerting first aid responders, st johns ambulance and paramedics to your condition,
it can in some instances prevent unesscessary hospital admission.
There are as many as 40 different types of seizure, ranging from brief absent moments, to episodes of losing consciousness,
falling to the floor and convulsing. This has often be mistaken for drunk behaviour, because a person having a seizure may appear confused or dazed
and will not be able to respond to questions.
If you are found unconscious a paramedic or first aid responder will check your pulse, this is why
Medical Identification Jewellery should be worn either round your neck or on your wrist making the
identification easily found. Your Pre-Engraved Medical Identification Tag has the world Wide recognised
Medical Symbol on the front ensuring your Tag can be worn Internationally.
You can place your order on our secure website or contact us on 0121 233 7455 and one our sales staff
will take your order. Payment can be made by debit/credit card, cheque or postal order.
Once your order has been placed we will dispatch to you within 2 working days.
Heart Condition,
Penicillin Allergy,
On Steroids,
On Warfarin.