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Medical I.D Tags For People Using Warfarin
Wearing a medical identification tag, if you are on warfarin can help save your life. If you are unexpectadly
taken ill, found unconcious or unable to communicate, a medical id can be your voice in an emergency situation.
Anticoagulant drugs such as warfarin are medicines that prevent the clotting of blood.
Anticoagulant drugs help prevent the formation of harmful clots in the blood vessels by decreasing the blood"s ability to clump together.
Although these drugs are sometimes called blood thinners, they do not actually thin the blood. Furthermore,
this type of medicine will not dissolve clots that already have formed, although the drug stops an existing clot from worsening.
However, another type of drug, used in thrombolytic therapy, will dissolve existing clots.
Anticoagulant drugs may be prescribed for a number of reasons, for example after replacement valve surgery to prevent clots forming,
after a heart attack to prevent another heart attack or stroke.
Anticoagulant drugs affect the blood"s ability to clot and therefore there is an increased risk of severe bleeding for people who are taking them.
Due to the increased risk of bleeding, you can see why it is so important to alert paramedics & medical staff that you are on warfarin.
In the event of needing to undergo a surgical procedure, medical staff need to be aware that their patient is on an anticoagulant drug that will
affect their ability to clot.
If you are found unconscious a paramedic or a member of medical staff will check your pulse, this is why
Medical Identification Jewellery should be worn either round your neck or on your wrist making the
identification easily found. Your Pre-Engraved Medical Identification Tag has the world Wide recognised
Medical Symbol on the front ensuring your Tag can be worn Internationally.
You can place your order on our secure website or contact us on 0121 233 7455 and one our sales staff
will take your order. Payment can be made by debit/credit card, cheque or postal order.
Once your order has been placed we will dispatch to you within 2 working days.
Heart Condition,
Penicillin Allergy,
On Steroids,
On Warfarin.